Nathalie Ek

Game dev, hobby photographer & total foodie

Bästa reflektionen!

2009-01-14 - University

Jag redan fått svar på min inlämningsuppgift... Och hör å häpna!


"Hej! Det här är den bästa reflektionen jag läst hittills. Du har verkligen arbetat igen uppgiften på ett föredömligt sätt. Även om er grupp inte fungerade så har du i alla fall lärt dig en hel del om gruppdynamik. Med vänlig hälsning Dag"

Vilken kokerska jag är...

2009-01-14 - Cooking

Alla hjärtans dag - då var det över ^^ Snabbt avklarat... Minns högstadiet när de sålde rosor i cafeterian och alla "coola" tjejer hade fått ett tiotal som hängde runt halsen, hur de sprang runt och räknade vem som hade fått flest. Och de där stora hjärtana som man fick skriva hälsningar på... jag skrev alltid en hemlig hälsning till "Toyboy", hahaha ![:D](/img/smilies/grin.png)

Det är lite annorlunda idag... De där coola tjejerna som man önskade att man tillhörde, är allt annat än coola idag. De flesta har nog tyvärr inga direkta framtidsplaner, så idag är jag ganska nöjd över att jag aldrig tillhörde de där gängen. Jag trivs med att plugga en dag som denna, det gör mig inget. Faktum är att det känns bra, för jag vet att jag gör nåt med min framtid snarare än räknar rosor ![:)](/img/smilies/happy.png)

Idag har vi bakat frukostbröd - havebullar... Vi försöker göra det till rutin, att baka färskt bröd på helgerna. Sen har vi hunnit iväg en sväng till COOP och handlat lite inför kvällen. Dessutom har jag hunnit förbereda mig inför duggan på tisdag, så det känns ganska bra nu. Och sist men inte minst så har jag lagat ordning en helt suverän "alla hjärtans dag"-middag.

Jag hade bestämt mig för att försöka göra en egen bearnaisesås... inte det lättaste ^^ Skär den sig inte, så brukar det bara smaka ättika eller dragon... Men det gick sjukt bra! Den blev supergod och krämig!!! Dessutom blev köttet helt perfekt rosa... ikväll var jag helt enkelt världen bästa kock ;P

Ännu en tenta avverkad!

2009-01-12 - University

När klockan ringde 06:02 imorse ville jag inget hellre än att ligga kvar under täcket hela dagen, men icke sa nicke. Dags att skynda igång med frukosten och sedan skynda iväg till skolan för att skriva en matte-tenta :/ BLÄ!!! Jag har verkligen pluggat till den här tentan, men vi får väl se hur det går... Egentligen var den väl inte så svår, men sen är det ju det där med komma ihåg hur allt ska beräknas och att räkna rätt på plus och minus, vilket verkar bli svårare och svårare ju längre tid jag studerar här :P 

En kall vinterpromenad.

2009-01-07 - Uncategorized

Klockan ringde vid 08 imorse, å tanken var att jag skulle ta mig upp tidigt idag för att börja plugga lite matte. Men sen var det ju det där med att få upp Blondie ur sängen också, vilket är lättare sagt än gjort ;P Anyway, efter en god frukost och lite mattemys, klädde vi på oss och tog en lång promenad. Som tur är har det blivit lite mildare ute, men trots det så var det fortfarande -15 grader när vi stack iväg. 

I made it down!!

2009-01-01 - Uncategorized

I'm home again, and I've just eaten some really nice waffles!! I made it down ^^ but it took me a while... Well, this was a rather good start I think, but there will be some more tumbling down the hills on Saturday! Woho!!!


Just another Saturday as a student ^^

2008-12-13 - University

I've been up for a few minutes, at least long enough to make myself a steady breakfast...

Today is the day, the math exam is coming up in just an hour, but I'll have to be there 30min at least. After sitting in a huge room, starring at 7 questions for 5 hours, it's time for me to get to work. I'll be working from 15:00-24:00 ... Jippie ^^ What a lovely Lucia I'll be having :P

5/6 points!

2008-12-09 - University

Yesterday I finished the second mini-exam in Linear Algebra and collected another 2p for the final exam. This means that I've managed to collect 5/6p to the exam on Saturday! That's the maximum score on the mini exams and the last point is something that I'm not allowed to participate in – oral accountings. So, for the first time before an exam, it actually feels good, even though the two last chapters for this course confuse me and makes me feel totally lost, but I think I'll manage to straighten things out until Saturday :)

I'm off to school in an hour and all I'll do is math. I don't mind actually :) Some candy and fruit will do the job! ;D

Grade 5 in Communication & User Interface!

2008-12-01 - University

A few weeks ago we had a home exam in the course Communication and User Interface. Well... I had no idea what to write since I didn't understand the questions ^^ But it seems like it went pretty good anyway, cause I got the grade 5/5 :D WOHO! 

But as if that's not enough, I managed to collect the maximum of 3p on the mini-exam in the Linear Algebra course. This means that I'll have the benefit of 3p on the big exam!

Congratz to meeeee!!!

The week from hell!!!

2008-11-05 - Uncategorized

Jesus... the past few days has been from hell! I haven't had any money at all since Friday, and you wanna know why? I don't know if I should laugh or cry about it tbh, but for some reason, there has been a double transaction pay from my account of my oven. Well, Elgigantan doesn't take any responsibility for what's happened, and at first, they blamed my bank, which sent me back to Elgiganten ofc... The second time around they blamed VISA, who they said had been having some trouble and that my money should be back within a few days.

During these days, there's been quite a large sum showing a negative amount of money on my account, which means that my bank will claim an interest fee of 95;-/day (and that's money I won't get back, since no one is taking the responsibility of what's happened to me). Thanks to all this, I haven't been able to pay my bills and they will also claim an interest fee of course...

And as if this wouldn't be enough shit for this month, I got a parking ticket singed by a meter maid, who had said to me not to worry tonight, cause he wasn't about to sign a ticket for my car anyway. So... I, of course, took my time while I was up in my apartment getting some money to pay with. But I promise you, it didn't even take 10 min before I was down at my car again, but guess what I saw... A FUCKING TICKET!

Fundamentals of physics 8th

2008-10-29 - University

It's been a while since I had time to write anything here. I've been kinda busy a few days with nothing and everything. I've been looking for this book that we need for our physics course – Fundamentals of physics 8th Edition and it's almost impossible to find it. The few ones that the school sold disappeared faster than lightning, so yesterday I skipped a class and headed to town to look for it. In of book stores they sold it, for f**king 1799;- !!! HELL NO! So I headed to the next place who also sold it (but with at least 2 weeks delivery) with student reduction, now it won't cost more than 500;-


--- UPDATE (11/11) --- 

I finally got it! The book that weighs 2,5kg and consists of 1328 pages in advanced English!!! 

The bookstore at school, which was supposed to have the same amount of books as there were students taking the course, sold out the very first day they got 'em and left numerous of students without. I've counted the problems that should have been solved up until this week - and there are 103 of them... Time to work I guess... I'm f**cked!!!

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