2008 - AUGUST

5 posts

Cocktail Bar - Manesa

2008-08-23 - Restaurants

When it comes to actually execute stuff that my friends and I decide to do, we really suck... Yesterday we planned on watching the fireworks, again, and guess what, we missed ‘em - again!

There's a carnival going on in town which results in hundreds of stands and even more people running around with beer cans in their hands. I'm not really into that kind of party, so my friends and I went to our favorite bar Manesa, and ordered in a few drinks. I had an acid drink with strawberries and lime, a special frozen daiquiri served during the carnival which included strawberries, pineapple, and raspberry, and I finished off with a damn delicious Baileys drink with Koskenkorva and pure cream!!!

How did you spend your late-night hours?

München Hoben

2008-08-22 - University

After taking the test I was pretty surprised to find out that Emil had fixed two tickets for me and Albert to München Hoben - a huge party with ~5000 students from the University of Linköping and Norrköping. Albert and Emil picked me up and then we headed over there... I think we queued for almost two hours, but it was well worth it! :D 

Jeans from the 8th grade...

2008-08-13 - Uncategorized

A while ago I decided that I wanted to fit into some old jeans of mine (jeans from the 8th grade or something like that ^^) so they've been hanging in my closet reminding me of my "goal". And guess what... Yep, you're right, it's the ones on the dreamy pic!!! WOHO !


Finally a real kitchen!!!

2008-08-07 - Petter Swartzgatan

It's done, it's finished... I finally got an oven AND a dishwasher! It's soooo worth every little penny I've spent on it. And thank you, Dad, for helping me with it!

Kind customers!

2008-08-04 - Uncategorized

Listen to this: Last year I also worked at the same store as I did this year, and it seems like the costumers really like me. So, last year this old man who captures his own crawfishes came to the store and gave me a kilo - just because he liked me and thought that I was so cute :P

Yesterday, the same man came through the doors and asked me when I was leaving, and when I said that I was going home today, he promised to hurry to make sure that I got a few crawfishes this year too! Awwww... :D

And believe it or not, but just a few hours later, he walked in again with a box of crawfishes! Yummy!!!

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