
509 posts posts

The week from hell!!!

2008-11-05 - Uncategorized

Jesus... the past few days has been from hell! I haven't had any money at all since Friday, and you wanna know why? I don't know if I should laugh or cry about it tbh, but for some reason, there has been a double transaction pay from my account of my oven. Well, Elgigantan doesn't take any responsibility for what's happened, and at first, they blamed my bank, which sent me back to Elgiganten ofc... The second time around they blamed VISA, who they said had been having some trouble and that my money should be back within a few days.

During these days, there's been quite a large sum showing a negative amount of money on my account, which means that my bank will claim an interest fee of 95;-/day (and that's money I won't get back, since no one is taking the responsibility of what's happened to me). Thanks to all this, I haven't been able to pay my bills and they will also claim an interest fee of course...

And as if this wouldn't be enough shit for this month, I got a parking ticket singed by a meter maid, who had said to me not to worry tonight, cause he wasn't about to sign a ticket for my car anyway. So... I, of course, took my time while I was up in my apartment getting some money to pay with. But I promise you, it didn't even take 10 min before I was down at my car again, but guess what I saw... A FUCKING TICKET!

Visit from my parents and grandma!

2008-10-25 - Uncategorized

My parents and my grandma along with her oldie are visiting me over the day. They should be here in 1½h and then we're off to town for some shopping and later on something to eat at a great restaurant I hope!

Finally some real pizza!

2008-10-12 - Uncategorized

Drive, drive, drive your car gently down the road... hmm? ;P I've been visiting my mom and dad this weekend back in Degerfors. It was a real quicky! I headed up there on Saturday and not even 24h later, I drove back to Norrköping... Mom wasn't too happy about the short visit tho, I think she misses me ;D

I haven't been that social either... I've been sitting in the kitchen, studying! The only other thing that I've been doing is eating :P Hehehe I like being pampered with good food when I get home! And as always when I'm home, I just have to get some REAL pizza (compared to the shitty ones they serve in this town ^^). Mom also made one of my favorite dishes which I don't even know how to spell, I think it's Makloube, and an awesome chocolate pie with peers. THANK YOU! 

And while I was sitting inside, my dad was out taking care of my car... Time to change the tires! THANKS to you too :D

Jeans from the 8th grade...

2008-08-13 - Uncategorized

A while ago I decided that I wanted to fit into some old jeans of mine (jeans from the 8th grade or something like that ^^) so they've been hanging in my closet reminding me of my "goal". And guess what... Yep, you're right, it's the ones on the dreamy pic!!! WOHO !


Kind customers!

2008-08-04 - Uncategorized

Listen to this: Last year I also worked at the same store as I did this year, and it seems like the costumers really like me. So, last year this old man who captures his own crawfishes came to the store and gave me a kilo - just because he liked me and thought that I was so cute :P

Yesterday, the same man came through the doors and asked me when I was leaving, and when I said that I was going home today, he promised to hurry to make sure that I got a few crawfishes this year too! Awwww... :D

And believe it or not, but just a few hours later, he walked in again with a box of crawfishes! Yummy!!!

3 Doors Down - Landing in London

2008-07-29 - Uncategorized

Here's a song which has an enormous meaning for me. This song and its lyrics was the ONLY song I listened to during the last two stops on the Play Us tour and it pretty much tells everything about how I was feeling at the point in time. I fell asleep on the flight to London and woke up to this song when the plane touched the ground. I think you'll understand what I'm talking about when you read the lyrics.

"Landing In London"

I woke up today in London
As the plane was touching down
And all I could think about was Monday
And maybe ill be back around

If this keeps me away much longer
I don't know what I will do
You've got to understand its a hard life
That I'm going through

And when the night falls in around me
I don't think ill make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
Cause all I think about is you

Well L.A is getting kinda crazy
And New York is getting kinda cold
I keep my head from getting lazy
I just can't wait to get back home

And all these days I spend away
I'll make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When it's all too much to bear

And when the night falls in around me
I don't think ill make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
Cause all I think about is you

And all these days I spend away
I'll make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When it's all too much to bear

When the night falls in around me
I don't think ill make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
Cause all I think about is you

... a tingling sensation

2008-07-13 - Uncategorized

I'm happy today, I mean really happy...

I have this great feeling inside of me which makes me smile all the time!

I love it, plz don't go away!!!!

Sagittarius = Winos

2008-07-08 - Uncategorized

I just found the funniest (and probably the most honest) horoscope yet.

Sagittarius (23/11-21/12)
"You are optimistic and enthusiastic. You have a careless tendency to completely trust luck since you are absolutely untalented. The majority of Sagittarius is winos. You are a worthless piece of shit."

Back to Basics - SWW g0es "plopp!"

2008-07-01 - Uncategorized

Jag bestämde mig för att slänga mig iväg till till Sthlm och närmare bestämt Ösmo i helgen för att träffa en gammal vän till mig - Ann. Vi slog våra kloka huvuden ihop och samlade ett gäng gamla ansikten för att skåla vilt!

Skålandet övergick ganska snabbt till ploppande - "PLOPP!" och snart var jag hes och utan röst efter allt, ja... skönsjungande! Vi alla började nog inse att smaklökarna inte var vad de varit tidigare under dagen och allt smakade plötsligt sliskigt sött.

Tack för en sjukt rolig helg alla! Och Ann, på återseende innan feb. -10 !

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