Nathalie Ek

Game dev, hobby photographer & total foodie

3 Doors Down - Landing in London

2008-07-29 - Uncategorized

Here's a song which has an enormous meaning for me. This song and its lyrics was the ONLY song I listened to during the last two stops on the Play Us tour and it pretty much tells everything about how I was feeling at the point in time. I fell asleep on the flight to London and woke up to this song when the plane touched the ground. I think you'll understand what I'm talking about when you read the lyrics.

"Landing In London"

I woke up today in London
As the plane was touching down
And all I could think about was Monday
And maybe ill be back around

If this keeps me away much longer
I don't know what I will do
You've got to understand its a hard life
That I'm going through

And when the night falls in around me
I don't think ill make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
Cause all I think about is you

Well L.A is getting kinda crazy
And New York is getting kinda cold
I keep my head from getting lazy
I just can't wait to get back home

And all these days I spend away
I'll make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When it's all too much to bear

And when the night falls in around me
I don't think ill make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
Cause all I think about is you

And all these days I spend away
I'll make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When it's all too much to bear

When the night falls in around me
I don't think ill make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
Cause all I think about is you

Guinness World Records Magazine

2008-07-26 - Gaming

When I got back from work last night, around 00:30, I looked through my mail as I always do. I'd gotten a mail from "Guinness World Records Magazine" who wanted to do an interview with me. The issue is released in late August, so keep an eye or two open for it!

Our interview in the magazine!

2008-07-25 - Media

A few weeks ago, Sofi and I went to Stockholm to do an interview with FRIDA. They wanted to make an article about us and Play Us. While I was working last week I saw the interview in the magazine :D 

Sorry to say it’s in Swedish, but for you who’ll understand it – Enjoy!

Is this a joke!?

2008-07-24 - Petter Swartzgatan

I've found the coolest thing for my kitchen. Well, it all started with a huge and stupid mistake. When I moved to Norrköping last year, it all went REALLY fast when I got my apartment, not even 3 working days from when I saw the pics on the Internet, until I signed the contract. What I didn't saw was that there was no oven... Embarrassing, donno how it's even possible to miss that ^^ But I did!

Anyway, last weekend my dad and I drove down to Norrköping to measure some stuff in my kitchen and look for an oven and maybe a dishwasher. And you know what I found... HAHA you wouldn't believe me if I hadn't taken a picture of it! So, now I have a reason to work those crappy hours - no more shoes, it's all about the combined oven and dishwasher! 

Who do you wanna date?

2008-07-19 - Gaming

I just got the biggest chock... I got an URL sent to me form guy I don't even know. I can't help laughing when I see the contesters! :P

Come and play us!

2008-07-14 - Gaming

Ok... I just saw episode 8 from Play US, when we're in Berlin, Germany. Embarrassing... So freaking embarrassing! We're trying to sing ^^ HAHA and NO ONE of us even has the slightest talent what so ever when it comes to actually hit even one note ^^ Though, we're experts of coming up with new and unexplored ones :P

Les Seules - Come and play us

Prepped up for the moment,
all braced and fitted out
The brightest kind of brain,
with a stable blood supply.
Every cell in our body is clear on what it's all about
All energized and focused,
you're about to find out why

Come and play us
Co's we won't back down
Come and play us
There's no way around

Started out as automations,
thinking how instead of why
As fit as any badass jock,
as cunning as any guy
Around the world in double time,
put together by the best
Bet your ass we're gonna kick it,
you might as well get dressed

Come and play us
Co's we won't back down
Come and play us
There's no way around

... a tingling sensation

2008-07-13 - Uncategorized

I'm happy today, I mean really happy...

I have this great feeling inside of me which makes me smile all the time!

I love it, plz don't go away!!!!

Sagittarius = Winos

2008-07-08 - Uncategorized

I just found the funniest (and probably the most honest) horoscope yet.

Sagittarius (23/11-21/12)
"You are optimistic and enthusiastic. You have a careless tendency to completely trust luck since you are absolutely untalented. The majority of Sagittarius is winos. You are a worthless piece of shit."

Behind the scenes - Bangkok: Catfights!!!

2008-07-02 - Gaming

I've finally updated another day from the PlayUs-tour, and it's up on MTV , however, it's not pretty ^^ :P On the other hand, if the girls gets pissed of, they all need to remember that it happend two years ago and that I don't feel like that today. Hopefully they'll agree...

Unfortunally the blog is in swedish, but for you who'll understand it, have a sneak peak! ENJOY!

Back to Basics - SWW g0es "plopp!"

2008-07-01 - Uncategorized

Jag bestämde mig för att slänga mig iväg till till Sthlm och närmare bestämt Ösmo i helgen för att träffa en gammal vän till mig - Ann. Vi slog våra kloka huvuden ihop och samlade ett gäng gamla ansikten för att skåla vilt!

Skålandet övergick ganska snabbt till ploppande - "PLOPP!" och snart var jag hes och utan röst efter allt, ja... skönsjungande! Vi alla började nog inse att smaklökarna inte var vad de varit tidigare under dagen och allt smakade plötsligt sliskigt sött.

Tack för en sjukt rolig helg alla! Och Ann, på återseende innan feb. -10 !

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